Tuesday night was a great time and tasty dinner at Benihana with my parents and our good friends Jimmy and Laura. It was both Trent's and my first time. At Benihana, that is.

Wednesday was Trent's actual birthday so we gave him a couple of small gifts and brought him 30 helium balloons to his office and took him to lunch at In 'N Out Burger. I think he enjoyed it, although eating with co-workers might have been more relaxing than eating with 3 small children.
Thursday Dusti came over with her 3 boys, handed me some unexpected birthday money and got me out the door. I had a wonderful 5 and 1/2 hours! I hit up Sears (where I had some store credit), Ross (where I had a return and found some cute maternity stuff), then met my great friend Lindy for lunch at Rumbi Grill where I ate every last bite of my huge salad.

After lunch I headed to Barnes and Noble where I had a gift certificate I had almost forgotten about in my wallet. I got a Jane Austen collection of 7 novels that I can't wait to get into. Then I headed to Marshall's where I found a few great things for the kids, some lip glosses I've been needing, and a couple cute items for the kitchen. What a joy it was to be able to look at whatever I wanted to without little people whining at me, making me take