I have always loved art and started drawing stick figure people before I was even 3. I couldn't find those drawings right now or I would post them. Anyhow, I have liked drawing as long as I can remember, this is one of those things that I have let go by the wayside since I have been married and started my family. I hope to do a new drawing every couple of months, because I really miss it. I was in AP Drawing my senior year in high school, but I was such a slacker and didn't take advantage of that and I really wish I had. It is hard to find time to do this because when you get into it, it can be really hard to pull yourself away. When you know you won't have much time it is hard to get started, but my goal is to get back into my drawing again. I mostly do people. These are some of the many that I did in high school. I know it's hard to see well in this format, but you get the idea.

After high school I did take a life drawing class at my community college. That's right I drew nude models. It was a really good experience and my Professor said he thought I could make it as an art major. Well I finished my 2 years of community college and got married and never did much drawing after that. This drawing of Tucker I did about a year ago is the only thing I have done since. I want to start one of Charlotte very soon. I miss my friend drawing and look forward to becoming reaquainted-I am pretty sure that is spelled way incorrectly. Oh well.
Wow Robin! I'm impressed. You really have a gift. That's a much better gift to have than to be able to memorize movie quotes. ;) I bet people would be willing to pay $$ for you to draw them. I would LOVE drawings of my kiddos. Let me know if you're interested.
I would love to, it would be a great reason to make myself do it!
I remember when you started that drawing of Tucker... I was so surprised that drawing was one of your many talents. I can't even quote movies... I have no evident talents. I can memorize phone numbers really well, does that count? HA!
Strangely I always liked your non-realistic drawings the best. I have never seen that self-portrait one on the bottom before- it is EXCELLENT.
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