Saturday Tucker had another game. Trent was not there since he was working with his Dad and brothers moving trash with big machines on his brother's land. These boys love tractors, skidloaders and the like.
Trent's mom came with me to help with Charlotte during the game. Tucker didn't score any goals (I think Trent is his lucky

Sunday Trent woke up with a bad sore throat and the kids were both coughing, so I went to church alone. Again. The lesson went well.
The kids napped really well and were acting pretty happy, so we did take them to Sunday dinner at Trent's parents house. I enjoyed looking throught the Sunday ads and eating the yummy food. The kids always have a great time there.

All photos by Tucker, except the first two.
I love the artistic angles he provides. I'm sure it helps that he's only 3 feet tall.
he caught a cute picture of you! i want to com eto on eof his games
sorry im apparently handicapped
Tell Tucker I said "Awesome job on the pics!!"
He's quite the photographer!
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