First of all, the heat.
Friday it was hot enough for this.
And at 10 PM when I went to bed it was still 84 degrees outside. No more opening the windows for nice cool air at night. Waaa.
The second thing that has begun, looking at houses. In real life. Not just online. This weekend we looked at 14 houses! Only one that I really liked so far and it was close to power lines so it is probably a no. But I am getting a better sense of what I really want and what to expect in what areas and things like that. All the houses we've seen so far have been vacant, which is so nice and easy. The kids thought it was great fun running around a bunch of empty houses checking things out. We have plenty more that we want to look at so I'm not discouraged yet. I just hope we find one that we really love. What brought on this sudden surge of house looking, you ask. Well our house closed on Friday! We have our money in the bank and we're excited to use it as a great down payment. Did my husband spend one dime to take me out to a celebratory dinner, you ask. Well no. And to whomever I may have shared my very depressing demeanor with on Friday, I am very sorry. I am feeling much brighter today.
I would take you to dinner Robin, but Noooo- you moved to Arizona. I'm so excited for y'all to get a house. I love that area and how the homes look. We went to St. George this weekend and I told Sei, "If we can't move to Arizona, can we move here??" It was 90 degrees there. Aaahhh... Love it!
Be happy! Have a good day!
PS. I can't believe you're almost 28 wks pregnant already! What the heck!?? Is it going as fast for you as it is for me? ;)
i can't believe you have the energy to look at all those houses with two kids and a pregnant belly! also, you can celebrate with me by going to lunch or something! something low key, obviously.
We saw our new neighbors move in on Friday. I wanted so bad to stop by but got busy or looked awful all weekend... one or the other.
I am so excited about your house hunt. You'll have to send me links so I can look at what you are looking at. House hunting is so fun!
I hope you get a chance to go out alone with Trent soon. Glad you are feeling happier. HUGS!
WHATTA' YA' sorry for! We all have good days and bad days. I love you, cant wait to visit you in your new home.
Congratulations on closing! It's such a relief to finally be done. Good luck with the search!
Hurray for for the HEAT. Also, comlpliments again on your beautiful green grass!
House hunting? There are some really great houses out in Florence!!! :o) .....I know, I'll never talk anybody into moving out here by us. Your kids are getting so old and look so cute, by the way!
Robin, you are quite the blog-queen (not to be confused with a drag- queen, I'm no name caller!!) I didn't read ALL of your blogs to find out, why and where are you moving????
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