We should definitely know by the end of this week if we are getting the house we made a bid on. I am feeling stressed because if we didn't get that house we haven't chosen a back up house to bid on yet and I really want to have a contract by the end of this month. Why, you ask. Because at the end of this month we have to tell our landlord weather or not we will be staying past our lease which ends at the end of June. So why not just pay for an extra month you ask. Well I would just really prefer to be moved into a house before I give birth and not have to do all the moving with a newborn. So hopefully we will have news very soon.
I have packed up a couple of diaper boxes with books and so today Tucker was sitting on the top with his juice box, while Charlotte was all tucked in her little nook reading a tractor book.
As soon as Charlotte saw me with the camera she started running right at me.
Well if any of you are interested in seeing funny old pictures of me go to my sister
Emily's blog. She did a lovely spotlight on me. And somewhere in my archives is my spotlight on her.
Emily's spotlite was totally sweet!! Made me miss my sister.
Good luck with your house. I really really hope you get it. The only experience I have with bids is that sometimes the bank tries to counter after they get all the different bids. I hope that doesn't with you. Maybe I shouldn't have mentioned that. Sorry.
Cute pics of the kiddos!!
whoa... charlotte's the spitting image of you!
Love the photos!
I hope the house deal works out so you can have a smooth transition period. I know that would stress me out too!
Emily's photos of you are so darling! You are such a good lookin' woman!
I think Charlotte looks just like you, too! Good luck with the house.
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