Thursday, March 24, 2011

Mexico - Day 2

Thursday morning when the tide was low we headed out over 1/2 a mile into where the ocean would be. We went hunting for sand dollars. We did find a couple, but we hadn't headed out early enough and we had to come back when the tide started coming back in. Trent and I took turns carrying the Henry the whole time and on the way back even Tucker was exhausted.

 Typical Charlotte! She is so funny in front of the camera.

 Yep, Trent was wearing his work boots with his shorts.

We played in the water all day. Trent busted out the wetsuit for a swim. We found tons of snails and hermit crabs. Henry was fascinated watching them with me and laughing when I showed him that while we had been looking some snails has climbed up on my toes. But when I showed him that a snail had gotten on his toe too, he was freaked out. He still wanted to look at them, but wanted me to hold him so they couldn't touch him!

 The Daddies taking a swim. I actually took a little swim later (without a wetsuit) and it was pretty cold, but I thought it would be fun to do once while we were there.
 Marianne and Sophie
 I look out and Charlotte is just standing all by herself on the rocks, shaking it!

 Later that night around dinner time when the tide was all the way out again, Trent decided we would just drive the suburban out to look for sand dollars. It was kinda creepy driving out where the water had been deep just hours earlier. This time we went about a mile out and between us and our friends we came back with about 70 whole sand dollars! It was a blast!


Macey said...

Looks like a blast Robin! Cute kids and love Tucker's teeth :)

Denise said...

Such great pictures. What wonderful memories you're making!

Emily said...
