Sunday, September 12, 2010

Labor Day

Tucker was doing flips
Trent was doing double front flips
Uncle Bart was throwing kids off the diving board

Trent's brother has a gorgeous house with a huge backyard, where we spend a lot of time with Trent's family. Labor Day was no exception. All the kids had a blast. Paisley has no fear and was jumping off the diving board and going down the slide just like the big kids. That girl will be 2 one week from today. I can't believe it. It's kind of hard to think that my baby is that big and I'm not pregnant. That was my life for a while, so it is fun and new to be moving to a different stage in life. It's also a little weird and sad. But good.

1 comment:

Melly Mel said...

i love these pictures! you guys are so much fun robin!