Monday, October 12, 2009

Paisley frowns

Yesterday we spent some time with our P* family celebrating our nephew Kade's birthday. I put on the skull outfit I made for Paisley and tried to get some pictures of her wearing it. She was fussy and wanted the camera and made the best frown I have ever seen in my life.

Paisley is usually all smiles. She is a ball of sunshine wrapped up into a chubby, rolly little package that is absolutely perfect. The other night sitting at the dinner table she was being so adorable. She loves sitting right at the table with us now in a booster seat. She was making faces and giving kisses and at that moment I couldn't imagine life going on without her in it. I felt absolutely unworthy to be her mother. I felt this all encompassing love and gratitide to be here with her. I can't describe it any better. I just felt blessed beyond belief for all my little angels and the joy and love they bring to our family.


Colburns said...

SOOO Cute I love the outfit great job Robin!

Klin said...

That outfit is adorable.

The frown in priceless.

Caroline C. Bingham said...

I want 2 of those skirts please. Size 5T and 3T. Thanks.

Emily said...

You MADE that outfit?! You rock.

Kathi said...

Love Paisley, love the outfit, love the puff!