Saturday, April 30, 2011

Easter 2011 (and one hundred billion pictures)

The Saturday morning before Easter Trent was still on a campout, but our ward had a breakfast and egg hunt at the park. My brother Adam and his kids joined us and it was tons of fun. They spent most of the day with us too and the kids enjoyed playing with their cousins. Easter morning was gorgeous and we enjoyed church. I have to say that I think Easter is the most wonderful celebration. Jesus Christ lives! What could be more glorious? My kids are hard to capture all being cute at once, but I did try.

 Trent- after finding the coveted "Golden Egg".

 Trent counting out his winnings. Trent's parent like to entice the adults to get involved.


Klin said...

I like a hundred billion pictures!

Looks like a fun Easter and holy growing up batman! Your kiddos are getting so big and still cute as ever.

Emily said...

Seriously such great photos.